Thursday, June 25, 2009

Iran and Kenya election Rigging

There are alot of similarities between the rigging that occured after the Kenya 2007 elections and Iran 2009 elections
1. Both presidents were vying for a second term
2. Rigging was carried out openly
3. Government was well prepared in advance putting security forces at key areas
3. Governments solicited forein governments of fighters to help kill demonstrators
4. Shoot to kill orders issued to police and paramilitary forces - innocent/unarmed civillians - including children are killed in cold blook
5. Many people arrested on filmsy grounds and then dissapear (massacred and burried)
6. Ahmedinejad visited Kenya recently - looks like he borrowed some notes on rigging and killing demonstrators
7. Russia, China etc always come in support of unpopular rigged government. China supplied Kenya with tonnes of weapons and ammunitions during the post election violence.

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